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K.Gardeners Circle

thank you @Technoshaman for pointing out my hasty oversimplification. perhaps wrapping can be an initial surface layer pass in the many layered process.
eager to dive in!!

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FWIW, here’s the link to the Wrapper pattern:

I’d like to also call attention to Francis Bacon’s “Pan”:

As for the tale that the discovery of Ceres was reserved for this god, and that while he was hunting, and denied to the rest of the gods though diligently and specially engaged in seeking her; it contains a very true and wise admonition—namely that the discovery of things useful to life and the furniture of life, such as corn, is not to be looked for from the abstract philosophies, as it were the greater gods, no not though they devote their whole powers to that special end—but only from Pan; that is from sagacious experience and the universal knowledge of nature, which will often by a kind of accident, and as it were while engaged in hunting, stumble upon such discoveries. —

Pan is the son of Hermes, the messenger god, so it seems to me there’s a robust but slightly obscure connection between wrapping and harvesting!

Panic goat-god, son of Hermes; the shepherds of his native Arcadia used to whip his statues on bad years…


That Wrapper is a nice example of well-crafted pattern!


beautiful, @holtzermann17 !! rich connectivity here across domains and aeons

@Jerry you were asking about this — i think shared recently elsewhere as well

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