Note: OGM Forum is no longer active. This is a static snapshot as of February 2022. You can browse the site to see posts, but the functional features of the site will not work. You can search or download a zip archive of the files from the site at github/OpenGlobalMind/

Key Operating Principles and Practices

Continuing the discussion from OGM Workshop Group 1 output:

This is a place to discuss and revise:

7. Key Operating Principles and Practices : Online with intention, and in the world with compassion

CONTEXT: In the context of the wider online ecosystem…
IF: We [[assume good intent]] among all participants BUT intermingling of themes nevertheless leads to the possibility of confusion
THEN: There’s a need for an ongoing conversation that can sort out complexities as they develop…

  • Allowing the collective to develop their practices of stewardship →
  • and to Build a map of the landscape →

tl;dr: social, collaborative, long lasting