Note: OGM Forum is no longer active. This is a static snapshot as of February 2022. You can browse the site to see posts, but the functional features of the site will not work. You can search or download a zip archive of the files from the site at github/OpenGlobalMind/

We Are The System: Please Comment

So tonight I got frustrated. I was having a great intellectual day and my ideas were popping. Unfortunately, I couldn’t document them each fully before the next useful thought. So I would move on, making sure not to lose the next potentially valuable idea, connection, creation… and like always I promise myself that I’ll go back and finish them later. To tell you the truth… I rarely do, but I am always glad it is still there (in enough detail) for me to make good use of it.

This is how I think, when I think with myself. It’s hard to do it well, but I believe that the challenges we face as a species more collective horse power behind them. This is OGM to me: figuring out how to radically amplify our efforts. The scale of the problem means we need to scale our impact.

Which brings me to the point. If we build something for ourselves so we are better at doing the things we do (which are awesome by the way), we will be on our way.

The golden rule great design is know who and what you are designing for. OGM is us and all of the other people who will join us.

With that said, here is your assignment:

Share a few thoughts about: How do you think? And when you are at your best, what do you wish was there to help you?

Don’t overthink technology. Just describe your ideal set of conditions. Also don’t base it on what you think others would say. Base it off of where you are right now in your life and what would be valuable to you.

That should give us some interesting insight into where we might take this thing, recognizing that for every unique individual in the world there would be a unique answer. And then we start to build the really cool stuff.


Maybe use a voice recorder for this?


Just for some anecdotal coincidences: there’s a reason why Ted Nelson named his system Xanadu in reference to Coleridge’s legend about how the poem got conceived and partially lost, why Ted is an extensive notetaker and always walks around with a recorder. Or Douglas Engelbarts early experiences with windtunnel maintenance, where he learned that there are scale-free numbers in engineering. Also see Eric Schmidt in his Blitzscaling interview about how they scaled Google. Belinda Barnet arguing in “Memory Machines” that Engelbart, similar to others in the field, was greatly and fundamentally concerned about loss. Same with Vint Cerf indicating that we might face a new dark age, or Brewster Kahle and Jason Scott of the Internet Archive. Vannevar Bush and Paul Otlet come to mind, too.

Human memory has many flaws, malfunctions, deficiencies, therefore humans build tools and media to augment their natural capabilities. It’s never a replacement, but an extension, aid and complement.

It wouldn’t be any difficult to once again present some proposals about how one might go about improving/bootstrapping from the current state of things, but then for the sake of productivity and progress, I do more believe in this and prefer to only point towards the general direction. It’ll just be totally awesome :slight_smile: or at the very least significantly better than where our poor information handling is stuck at today. And in the mean time, there’s lots of exciting experiments to conduct and prototypes to build, to gain some learning/understanding about the nature of the problems you’ve identified and how potential solutions could look/feel/work like.

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I follow DSRP when thinking about system:

D is for distinction. The system IS this. The system IS NOT that. Also called scoping.

S is for System(Activity) and Sub System (sub Activity)

R is for Relationship and Sub-Relationship

P is for perspective. That is my unique viewpoint about the system

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Hello everyone,

It’s a pleasure to find you so we can introduce WeAppan: Together we’ll humanize technology to empower all people!

The most valuable resource is no longer oil, it’s your Data (Digital Information) and we’re on a mission to enable all people to control theirs. We should all benefit from this ever expanding resource.

What is WeAppan?

WeAppan is a decentralized, interdependent and Interconnected mobile platform concept developed through distributed ledger technology, advocating for the people’s right to control their online privacy and data. This application concept has a people first agenda, automating real-time customization of user’s data. WeAppan will connect your data/information with others who are looking for what you’re offering or have what you need in real time. Please don’t hesitate to join us in our Facebook group page and join this global movement:

We will collectively build a data driven, global ecosystem for all people. This social/technological movement will establish Omni-connectivity. Onmi-Connectivity is the ubiquitous digitalization of the technology trends that will empower the complex systems discussed within these 2 videos:

This is just the beginning to what makes our concept different.

WeAppan will also become a Mid (Mediator of Individual Data). It will secure your data and privacy, you will own and manage your data, you’ll begin earning an income from your data (UDI), and be connected to everyone, everything, everywhere, so that everyone benefits within this interdependent global ecosystem. Our intentions are to generate a true paradigm shift by being extremely inclusive & overwhelmingly generous on a global scale!!!

UDI: Universal Data Income will be a decentralized online payment system structured through the combined technologies of WeAppan/Holochain and implemented in order to directly pay all users, or members the majority of WeAppan’s advertising revenue and the user’s potential monetary data value in exchange for those members sharing their information through the platform.

Please check out these videos that feature Jaron Lanier. He explains the concept of a Mid: Mediator of individual data.


More information available for those that are interested! Would love an opportunity to collaborate with you or anyone else who’s interested in this project. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, suggestions, ideas, or criticism you’re interested in sharing.

WeAppan - Collectively empowering the connections between people, their data and our planet to make real change.

(How can you help with this idea?)

Let’s begin by us taking collective action asap!

We start this action by joining forces and starting the discussion about how we take collective action together, with you and everyone else who is interested in participating with this project.

Thank you for your time and consideration! I looking forward to getting to know you. Please don’t hesitate to join us.

George Linicomn
Artist/Founder of WeAppan

I’d say the biggest thing missing from most thinking tools is context management. I often want two or three active contexts that are searchable and connected in some non-trivial ways (basically things that are top of mind for one reason or another). But this is surprisingly hard to accomplish with existing tools (at least the ones I’ve tried anyway). A concrete example is reading a PDF or watching a YouTube video about a specific subject where I want to make connections between the content in the PDF and various segments in the video. I’ve gotten pretty good at annotating PDFs by taking screenshots and running them through OCR but video and audio continue to cause issues. Currently I just use regular pen and paper to take notes and then consolidate them but this is way too much manual labor. Being able to search through video and audio transcripts would go a long way towards reducing the manual effort.

So I’d say I want tools that let me connect different contexts together in a way that doesn’t require jumping through too many hoops. I haven’t yet found something that lets me seamlessly connect different contexts like PDFs to audio and video.



second comment

could not agree more What I am doing is do air notes or whatever @peterkaminski called in a call. I did not make good notes

described some tool that would take your notes and search the transcript to identify the time slot and give you back a list with the added time information

When I click on those links I get the following error

I’ve tried to use hypothesis before and I still use it for publicly available content but I think it starts to break down for content that is not public like the current forum. Speaking of which. There is a lot of good content here. Are there plans to consolidate and make it more widely available?

Re: video notes. I’m currently using Descript to generate transcripts and then export and import the transcript into a MeiliSearch database. That way I can search it from a central location. This has been working pretty well but it’s very specific to my workflow so doesn’t generalize very well.

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I do not get what the here refers to.

By here I mean the current forum ( Ideally whatever is discussed is eventually distilled and made more publicly available.

I’m sure that will happen at some point. Hopefully you comment will be picked up who would no better than me, or know the one who does it, or the way to get to it.

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This may be some permission in the forum configuration.
That’s a bummer. will look into it.

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I have just come across this tweet.

Tried video annotation, amazing

Install the hypothessis chrome extension from

signup here:
[](http://link to annotated talk)

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Very nice. Thanks for sharing.

my inspiration to act or to work (to dream, to sense-make, to design and create) happens both kinesthetically and within trusted groups, neither of which conditons apply here (yes this a group but not yet trusted because i’ve never met any of you here except for jerry which was about 20 years ago)…

I see
Trust as a transitive relation with strength diminishing with distance.
I had the privilege of meeting Jerry first time only this year. Thanks to CICOLAB’s efforts for proactively seeking out and connecting people who care about “Collective Intelligence”
Took the trouble of finding out about his work 7 years ago. He gained my deepest trust there and then, and shared his vision all along. Trusting that we shall connect one day.
So first order connections carry a high degree of trust for me. Discover through trust but verify.

If we are the system, what is our goal?

there are think tanks being funded by rich people whose total job it is to secure the financial advantage of their employers. Think of the Heritage foundation, ALEC and so on. These folks make very good money and enjoy a pretty good life.

Then there are funders who have altruistic reasons, or simply feel existential angst and want to intervene where possible. Who are they going to for best in class insights? Not to figure out how the boss can screw the tax system, or what voters should think about who to vote for.

But instead bring together talent that can solve complex problems on a macro level, like the farm bill, like education reform, money reform. That should be a good reason to earn a living, one would think. Why couldn’t we be a think tank?