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Weekly zoom calls, email, discourse, etc...current state of the 'ogm platform' prototype

Thank you Stephan, you have just given a pretty insightful summary of the work I’ve been doing for the best part of the past 17 years as a side hustle for the most part, although since Januarry 2019 I went full time blowing away all our savings and inheritance.
I thought you were familiar with the papers we published.
I’m sure you must have heard me going on about MindGraph, Networked Knowledge Interoperabiulity, Federation Protocols form @maparent and @jackpark?

Since I get to know more an more great people gathered around OGM I know at least a 12 like minded folks. Most of them are here. I’ve found Jerry’s work inspiring, and CICOLAB and MetaCaug an all these people mean business.

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I’m sorry to hear that :frowning: and are also afraid that there might simply be no customer, business or ROI, especially for the more important types of stuff.

Of course not! Sure, all sorts of material exist, but what do you want me to do with it? Print it out?

Yes, I guess it will turn out to be just great for one who builds yet another knowledge graph.

Yes, everybody is like-minded in some way or other, but that’s about it. More people, that’ll make it all work, right?

I do recognize that you carefully avoided answering my general questions from above, which is fine, maybe things get planned/prepared behind the scenes, whatever. The cause and task continues to remain in a very poor state without any sign for hope, even gets worse at times. So, best of luck, everyone…

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