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What does it take to become open minded (and other critical questions)? An Invitation

An invitation

OGM’s success is predicated on figuring out several critical domains ranging from the engineering the requested enabling infrastructure, to designing scalable and effective services, and (equally as important) establishing a deep philosophical appreciation for the nature of change we believe is urgently required.

That said, I am looking for a few individuals to commit to the philosophical concerns of OGM. This group will singularly focus on a set core questions with a sufficient amount of rigger to successful frame our collective intention. This work will not be done in a vacuum, connecting with the other critical domains, yet it will not be beholden to the natural desire to take action.

This group will begin meeting once a week for 90 min at a mutually convenient time. Please let me know if you are interested in being a core participant. Otherwise, please feel free to submit a philosophical question of your choosing.

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Saiiam, I’m afraid I’m having a problem connecting with “philosophical concerns of OGM.” Can you elaborate or provide a possible example?

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To me, that sounds very useful. I would like to have occasional updates between the practical and the philosophical branch, to pose questions and report findings. Would be aided if recordings of the meetings are shared, or at least some short summary, or some other way for more or less following the topics that get discussed, so interested audience can jump in, if something clicks :slight_smile:

Systems reveal themself through the dynamics that play out between the various actors within the system. That said, those dynamics are a manifestation of the underlineing belief structures operating both collectively and individually. These beliefs are both assumptions about how the system works and the values that shape the nuances of every relationship and interaction within that system.

Given that, if we are to build a system that brings the emerging intentions of OGM to life, we would be remiss if we didn’t commit to defining a shared belief system. This work by it very nature lives in the realm of philosophy.

I have been ‘responding’ to a lot of messages I get in my email, to the point where the system tells me it’s getting overloded and ask me to shut it down to make more room by deleting other stuff. On top of that, I have the strong impression that some of my responses and comments and suggestions are NOT getting wherever they were supposed to go – i.e. a place whee they can be discussed . This tells me that the current ‘non-system’ system is not working well; confusing and thus also not very ‘open’. Too much capacity seems to be spent on counting meaningless ‘admin-type’ beans; we’re not getting any real work done?

Amen! and here’s some more characters to meet the 20 character min post!