Tony: ... now I could, switch gears, and now I could understand what's, what people are talking about. So that's what I did recently. Jerry: Cool. Thank you. There's so much around story, including plots, like the ur-plots. So a couple thoughts in my Brain about, like, there are only this many plots in the world, and every story is derivative from these plots, but the number varies wildly, depending on who's writing the blog post. Um, let's go Pete, Avril, and Lauren. Pete: Hello everybody, uh, I'm in San Diego, California. Um, our fire's four days old or something, and 25 miles east of me. We just get high smoke and orange sun. Today it looks like it might be white. It's actually coming along. They're, they're starting to contain it. Um, so that's good, and there's been some evacuations and buildings destroyed, but not too many. I also read on the news today that La NiƱa is coming this winter. So that means we are our rain season will be shorter. Rain is, in Southern California, the rain is only in the winter basically. I've had a great week with talking with different folks from, you know, all of, all of us and all our friends. I'm excited to, I've I've got kind of a question for the group, and I wonder if we might have time for this call. So, five or 10 minutes -- but I want to come back to it later. Um, and that's it for me. Jerry: Thanks, Pete. Avril, Lauren, Romer. Avril: Hi, everybody. I'm Avril. I'm in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.