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Collective intelligence for survival

The new Messenger RNA vaccines are a major step forward in responding to viruses; they use the body’s own machinery, the RNA that carries messages, to teach a cell to make a protein that’s like the virus and start the body’s immune response. It’s much faster and with the prospect of more pandemics pretty clear means we can react faster, collectively than we could before.

It still won’t teach a rugged individualist redneck anti vaxer to take it, but it’s better for the rest of us, who wear masks for our collective and individual survival. This pandemic is causing a Darwinian shift in adaptability. Rugged individualism kills you, interdepence enables our collective survival.


in the process of building resilient communities, the concept of food sovereignty is taking hold.

There are a multitude of opportunities to share learnings for any particular type of community, customizing the approach at local level.

#Kevin would the development of intentional community be of interest to your group? We (group2) have made contact with this organization, we could develop a partnership to built prototypes designed for the needs of your communities.

“Mutual Aid”, for the win!