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Core purpose

Continuing the discussion from OGM Workshop Group 1 output:

This is a place to discuss and revise:

1. Core Purpose : Connect the connectors to what they need to thrive
CONTEXT: In the context of ongoing learning and unlearning, resource flows
IF: We have created a ‘practice space’ BUT we and other stakeholders have other needs that are not yet satisfied
THEN: Connect the network-weavers and their stakeholders to the resources they need to thrive

td;dr: Sense-making for an appropriate response

@maparent : We all have our own skills bearing on problems that we’re working on individually. There are many champions each with their own specific projects. Adding a place where they can meet and share expertise is itself a goal.

Mr Biden will be looking for transdisciplinary teams to tackle sustainability problems. Could we show up on their radar? @Mila was approached about related things, but not aligned with the particular pathway. How to share these things with different groups who have different needs / ways of going about things.

Can we revise Connect the connectors to what they need to thrive — so that it captures both mycelial aspects, educational aspects, project aspects…?

Jerry: Maybe we’re meta-connectors.

Lauren: Maybe we should build on the spirit of The Brain. (Facilitating the facilitators, etc.)

Jerry: there are a bunch of different links, happening at different layers.

Lauren: how do we judge success…?