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Inviting an OGM chapter for Peeragogy Handbook v4

Continuing the discussion from Potential quests:

We are starting to get a bit serious about revisions of PHv3. One of the questions in play is what contributions for v4 will look like.

An early outline and list of requests is here:

It would be nice to have an “OGM chapter”, conceiving of OGM as an early-stage peeragogical community that may have some use for the existing patterns and/or may go its own way (or both). Perhaps most likely it would fit as a Case Study, without too many restrictions on the form.

Since late 2019 one of the ideas has been to “patternize” the Handbook (i.e., more patterns), so new OGM patterns could (also) be included. Another thing we’re keen to do is to include “mini-Handbooks” — so for example a short guide on how-to-OGM would be interesting to include! Contributed chapters probably won’t be “due” until half-way into 2021, but draft material can already be workshopped (fortnightly writers workshop meetings to start early next year, details will follow once that’s scheduled). Another way to source some preliminary draft material could be via a guest interview on the Peeragogy in Action podcast! So, lots of optinons & support available for those who might like to undertake this mission.

Hi Holtzermann:

What needs to be done?

In brief, for a case study: write up OGM in a way that explains how things work around here. Try to distill ideas and patterns that others can use. Probably 4000 words is a reasonable length (could be less, or, potentially, more). There may be some editorial back-and-forth but we’re quite open minded about style. For a mini-handbook: write how-to instructions for something super short and simple, maybe 500 words max (think: a recipe from a cookbook; e.g., I found this example “in the wild” today:

If 2 people want to come on the podcast we can do a ½-hour audio version as a warm-up to give a feel of the kinds of questions readers might be most interested in.

Examples of existing case studies are here:

But, if you need more space, that’s probably OK! The other thing to point out is that, unfortunately, all of the existing case studies come from “education” settings, but please don’t assume that Peeragogy is only about education — one of the reasons for inviting an OGM chapter is that we want to show a more representative mix of topics & applications; e.g., this Starter Pack discusses applications in business:

To address the issue of balance, some of these early chapters may be shortened and turned into “side-bars” in the next edition.

The other thing needed is for the author(s) to sign the waiver: so that the text can be distributed without any limitations.

I excel at documenting activities. I use activity diagrams. Maybe also a little text.
If you would like me to spend some time (time is scarce) documenting how things currently work at OGM, let me know…

Sounds fun and valuable! I’d be interested and I’m sure other people around OGM would be interested as well. It might be necessary to loop through a discussion with folks a few times to get additions/changes to the diagrams, so if possible please share an editable format as well as images. I’d say such diagrams would be a good contribution/addition to an “OGM chapter” for PHv4.


Anytime we talk about documenting “what is going on around here” there is going to be a ton of changes. And Diagrams facilitate changes much more so than does text.

If you send me a gmail email address (send to I can link you up on Google Drive with an example of an activity diagram for a project I am working on.

Pay no attention to the diagram’s subject (biological activities). The diagramming technique can just as well apply to OGM activities.

Once we are able to share edits, then we can do a couple practice changes.


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