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OGM as an innovation architecture & ecosystem

In team 4 of our design workshop, last Friday, I said something about concurrent and integrated cultivation of the following domains of OGM as an innovation architecture: social/cultural, business/organizational, knowledge/learning, and technology architectures.

That’s a framework that I’ve been using in my organization design work. Its emphasis is on their concurrent and integrated cultivation, the sweet spot of their overlap that can generate the highest payoff.

Screenshot 2020-10-31 at 06.12.35

When the propeller blades start turning, they trigger a wind of continuous renewal and the ripple effects of innovation introduced in one area on the other areas.

We can think of the OGM innovation architecture as a vessel to carry and amplify the energy generated by OGM as an innovation ecosystem.

I visualize that innovation ecosystem as a rainforest of many projects initiatives, communities, organizations, which are all expressions of our individual and communal creativity.

Striving for simultaneously moving the edge of innovation in all those areas, OGM could reach a high level of coherence and synergy across the projects that we’ll be engaged in.

I guess, in our gang of many “big picture” thinkers and doers, there are already a good number of high-level organizing frameworks floating around. This one is not intended to compete with any of them. If it gains traction, it can be used as a corollary to them.


#Innovation #Ecosystem #Framework

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Interesting exchange on Twitter, yesterday:
Screenshot 2020-11-06 at 07.00.31

Screenshot 2020-11-06 at 07.05.31

Screenshot 2020-11-06 at 07.25.58

Please note that I inserted the following sentence in the opener of this topic:

We can think of the OGM innovation architecture as a vessel to carry and amplify the energy generated by OGM as an innovation ecosystem.

I visualize that innovation ecosystem as a rainforest of many projects initiatives, communities, organizations, which are all expressions of our individual and communal creativity.


rainmaking, raincatching, dreamcatching…

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And here’s another gift from my California years:

We are the Weavers,
we are the woven ones.
We are the Dreamers,
we are the Dream.

Spiraling into the Center,
the Center of the Wheel.
Spiraling into the Center,
the Center of the Wheel.

Image source: humandalas

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Successfully getting a practical "co-evolutionary a "socio-technical system for enabling “massive, collective, systemic level learning” would constitute a singular innovation that while of course won’t solve everything could be the way to emerge to answer the need that very few been aware 50 years ago but now all feel.

In a sister closed “silo” at
I found this today:

you can read an excellent piece that identifies the problem that “trust does not scale” and giving hope

I see the problem of figuring out how can we make “design from trust scale” as the key to enabling “massive, collective, systemic level learning”

This is the very same issue that @jerry articulated so well in the phrase “design from trust”. @lauren called “Wisdom Stack” and @saiiam was pushing for as one of the actions/quests we should focus on under the label of “Common Information/Infrastructure Architecture” which is
at the heart of @peterkaminski efforts to provide immediate practical vehicles based on existing tools and seeking to strike a balance between Action and Discussion.

I lack the ability to talk about these subjects, but had the capacity to build systems
to explore the problem domain in practical terms while being cognizant of the fact that the real task is to arrive at a viable conceptualization of the problem, hence exploratory construction of practical systems that work was the right vehicle to do so.
Even if it meant that the development of an end-to-end-first slice had to wait until the technology stack for Web 3 matured sufficiently.

Discussions in this space have been heating up lately, or my awareness and exposure to these discussions had accelerated.
Either way I find that many articulations of what the system I am building can “show rather than tell” matches perfectly with the best of tellings:

This had been 15 years in the making. Web 3 protocols and infrastructure
and the “Convergence Stack” at last can be harnessed to make “design from trust scale.” tried and tested in an end-to-end first slice technology demonstrator under development by as a pilot.


That links to go this page:

Thanks @Gyuri for bringing up the trust issue. I replied here.

bingo! And but — not “one problem” i don’t think

What is y/our criteria of “viable”

accessible in terms of being clear and understandable
capable of gaining singificant mindshare and facilitate aligned interest and action
self-sufficient to get off the ground
yet self-organizing and capable of organic growth
adjacent steps are clear without jepordising long term goals and direction
both in terms of scope and practical achievements
instead of limiting, capable of extending (maximising) future choices

There is one clearly identifiable problem that blocks any attempt to progress with all the others. The way we create, manage and share information/knowledge is broken.
fragmented by architecture, high friction at every point,
enclosed, controlled, in a word the opposite of viable.
Effort is duplicated, gap in what would be needed and what is readily available.
Instead of making people to flock to platforms, let them be the platform. Protocols, not platforms. Need that kind of paradigm shift explored in Web 3 among others.


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In terms of architecture, you need to be able to mine results of what’s gone wrong, and get that data and rationale soon enough to add it your orientation If you want to know where data is wise you should know where it failed. This ai failure incident database could be significant.

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