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So, exactly WHY are we here? What is it that most needs being done?

Discovery is just the first step. The next two steps, according to Coase’s market evolution theory are cooperation; one off agreements that require a lot of back and forth clarification, followed by coordination, when signals are automated and cohesive collective action happens; train tracks and market exchanges exist at the third phase. I have seen people move from one to three and fail repeatedly. Coordination is built on emergent cooperation that replicates, like four water temples in Bali agreeing on how to manage rice fields, expanding to the next four and then 12, in my experience and in research I’ve read.

One way to approach this question would be “bottom-up”, i.e., for each participant to say why he or she is here. The M.O. would be that there isn’t a “we” until enough people match on their personal whys. The “2025” exercise was a little bit along these lines but not quite so explicit.

For me, part of it is the feeling that that the work I’ve been doing with the Peeragogy Project “could be” part of something bigger; OGM could help find and understand that context. Also, I like getting information from various early adopter communities (and moving such info between them). Pragmatically, I found out about OGM from @lovolution.

Update: Also, in my dayjob, I’m meant to be working on grant applications. If there are other people here who might want to team up on grants (with me or others!) maybe a good idea to add a brief note on this Organizational infrastructures and affiliations Rolodex. That’s related to but distinct from the notion of an “OGM Marketplace” (which is envisioned as a place for peer-to-peer exchange w/in OGM).


i’m here for the people, the sensemaking, the sensemakers — the sense

  • cb

At the risk of repeating myself (perhaps that is allowed, once!): I definitely am thinking that if people were updating their “why am I here” thoughts as they considered that very question, then a “why are we here” would emerge soon enough. The foregoing discussion in this thread seems to focus on “how” rather than “why” — with diagrams that talk about “how” emergence might happen. But w/o buy in at the individual level I don’t think things can move much! (Evidenced by the 2 month gap in the posts on the thread before I jumped into it?)

Similarly, the discussion in the mailing list seems unlikely to lead to an emergent purpose. I could be wrong, but it seems like people enjoy the conversations so much that they are no longer “hungry” for something else.


What are the outstanding, achievable projects?

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So the reason why we are here is because “discovery is important, but it is jus the first phase in addressing an issue”?

I’m here to be accountable for holding space for the group’s highest potential, its evolutionary purpose to emerge, which is waaay juicier than the sum of our individual purposes.


here to weave and spin
threads, tapestries
between, within
to spot the gaps in crap
of woven shining anti crap

to spread the flowing love
above and below
to spread the loving, living flow

in this way
i may

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