Note: OGM Forum is no longer active. This is a static snapshot as of February 2022. You can browse the site to see posts, but the functional features of the site will not work. You can search or download a zip archive of the files from the site at github/OpenGlobalMind/

What I'm creating that's congruent with OGM

A thread for people to post about things they’re actually doing now. (“Doing” as in “actions with outside feedback”. Sorry, reading/thinking doesn’t count here. Even writing is dubious, though maybe that’s too restrictive…)

With a view toward potential Coordination.

I am moving the tool I’ve built for my WikiLog and PrivateNotebook toward becoming a commercial SaaS product for individuals. I’m adopting the Digital Garden framing.

I’m probably going to reframe/revise my PrivateWikiNotebook ebook to support that.

Then I’ll be building up the multi-user data in my WikiGraph database, covering both my gardeners and independent gardens who follow “standards”.

Then I hope to build more of a discovery/tracking of updates in those graphs/gardens.

Then look for next level of Coordination/Dialogue across those spaces/people.